
Robert Embertson of Breezy Point, Minn., writes in response to The Forum editorial "Here’s a solution for combating racist behavior at high school events: Shut them down."
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Miller gave $2.3 million to her own campaign, more than 85% of its total contributions, but reported no contributions from her most prominent supporter, current Gov. Doug Burgum.
Sonya Kaye of Fargo writes about the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act, including tax breaks for electric vehicles.
Trygve Olson celebrates Minnesota's fishing opener May 10-11.
Trygve Olson comments on the recent success of the Minnesota Timberwolves.
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Allison Slavik writes about repealing a ND law that bans contractors from engaging in Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. She writes, "Economic boycotts have a long history as a form of legitimate protest."
Cody J. Schuler, the ACLU of North Dakota's advocacy manager, encourages Fargo residents to make the most of the public comment period at Fargo City Commission meetings.
"In nearby states, the states that North Dakota is competing with for college students, dorms and nonacademic buildings are paid for with public money," columnist Jim Shaw writes
Columnist Joan Brickner writes that a good education should not be taken for granted. She gives thanks to her parents for being involved and the teachers who helped her grow.
Columnist Bette Grande writes about diversity, equity and inclusion. She writes, "DEI in practice seems to be soft racism or sexism because it does not focus on training, education, and preparation for those proponents say they want to help."


Columnist Scott Hennen writes about the Boy Scouts of America changing its name to Scouting America. He writes, "I'm worn out by people apologizing for manhood."
Mund isn't going to win the NDOP's U.S. House primary, but she could cause a responsible conservative woman to lose. Can she and her supporters live with that?
David Wells responds to the letter "Medical aid in dying is suicide" by Ken Sims.